Friday, February 19, 2010

Voice Thread:Technology in the Classroom

As educators it is extremely important to keep up with technology that we can utilize in our classrooms. Recently one of my education classes, Utilization of Instructional Technology for Educators, taught me how to use voice thread as a means of instruction. After learning how to use voice thread I feel that, if used correctly, voice threads can be an exceptional means of instruction.

Here is an example of a voice thread that I made that can effectively teach kindergarteners vocabulary related to location and direction.

Voice Thread: ALCOS GR K #6: Identify vocabulary related to location and direction.

The purpose of my voice thread is to help kindergartners in my classroom understand basic vocabulary related to location and direction. By explaining where each image is on my voice thread, I hope that the concept of direction will be made clearer to the students watching.

Repetition is a key aspect of my presentation. When a child is young, it is important that they hear information many times in order for them to store it in their memory. In my presentation I explain the difference between “in” and “out” by using images of both a crab in and out of the ocean as well as a dog inside and outside of a car. In addition I do not just say, “the bird is above the tree,” I also say, “the tree is below the bird.” Another aspect of this voice thread that promotes learning is that I present information in different ways. For example, in one slide the cow is behind the car and in the following slide the cow is in front of the car, this further explains the difference between behind and in front of.

I believe that voice thread can be very useful to the classroom environment. I like the fact that each child can sit at his/her own computer (if possible) and directly interact with the information. Voice thread can also be used at home to reinforce what each student learned in class that day and allow their parents to see exactly what they are learning and help them grasp the concepts from home.

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