Ac·cul·tur·a·tion [uh-kuhl-chuh-rey-shuhn]
noun1.the process of adopting the cultural traits or social patterns
of an other group.
Most children follow a
cyclical pattern of emotions when moving to the United States from a foreign
otherwise known as acculturation. Adjustment is an on-going process
Four Stages of
Honeymoon Stage
¢ Student is fascinated with
everything that is new and different to them
¢ Students in this stage may
be eager to please, cooperative and be very interested in what their peers and
teachers have to say
¢ Students in this stage are
delightful to work with
¢ Possible emotions include:
exhilaration, anticipation & excitement
Hostility stage/Culture shock
¢ Following their initial excitement,
students may become frustrated and confused with their new surroundings and
weary of the fact that they will be expected to speak and listen to English
¢ Possible emotions: frustration, anger,
anxiety, fear, depression
Integration/Acceptance Stage
¢ Students begin feeling comfortable
with their surroundings
¢ Possible emotions: relaxation, a
feeling of relief, understanding of expectations
Home Stage
¢ Students feel at home and function in
their new country
¢ This stage is defined by successful adjustment
to the norms and standards of their new environment.
¢ Possible emotions: comfort, happiness
& a feeling of belonging
(n.d.). Retrieved April 18, 2012, from
as a Second Language (ESL) » Stages of Acculturation. (n.d.). English as
a Second Language (ESL) - GERMANTOWN HIGH SCHOOL. Retrieved April 25, 2012,
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